Creating a space for kids to believe that they can, and so they do.

Our mission is to build understanding of how to make our communities more genuinely inclusive so that no child ever has to feel like they are too much trouble. Our Founder and Director, Amy, is a qualified Developmental Educator who specialises in helping children with Autism to develop skills to navigate the world.

Resources and Information

Resources and Information

Curated for Parents, Educators and Professionals

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Welcome to Busy Brains Learning

We believe that every child has the potential and the right to learn and grow. Everything we do is built on the idea that we can help shape a world that is a fairer, more comfortable place for children with disabilities.

We specialise in helping children with Autism and other developmental disabilities to understand the world. We offer a range of programs and resources that support children with developmental disabilities to foster life skills, social and communication skills to equip them with the tools to navigate daily life and confidently find their voice to create a space for themselves in a world where there often isn’t one.

Full Professional Accreditation with DEAI

Busy Brains Learning is a member of Developmental Educators Australia Inc.

Developmental Educators are an NDIS approved profession for supporting individuals on the autism spectrum and their families to achieve their individual developmental, social and learning goals.

Busy Brains Shop

You can purchase our Busy Brains products from our shop. These have all been designed as resources to assist children with Autism with everyday activities.

Stay Informed

Keep up to date with the latest news, events and classes via our Newsletter.